Saturday, August 1, 2020

Woke up to another power outage this morning. Second one in less than 2 weeks. Come on, Independence - get your act together!

After a couple hours, it came back on, so we got started on re-tiling the kitchen floor. We've been wanting to get the old, funky, discolored stuff out and put in new for some time.

This is the old, ugly stuff. Half of it was peeling up, and as you can see some of it was beginning to discolor.

And here's the new tile. We're using the same stuff as in the basement and bathroom. It's not expensive, it's easy to install, and it looks good. I've got about 90% of it done, other than the fiddly trimming bits (like in the corner), and under the 'fridge and oven. Hope to get that done Sunday, or Monday.

Aside from that, there's a lot that needs to be done outside - including painting the house - if / when it ever gives us more than 2 days without rain.

And of course, being Saturday, we get to listen to a day long symphony of loud rap-crap, the jackass kid next door and his buddies revving their car engines all day, and idiots with their loud, screaming motorcycles racing up and down the street.

God, I hope we can get out of here sometime in the not-too-distant future. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'd just like some peace and quiet, and to be able to listen to MY choice of music for a change. Without the constant background THUMP THUMP THUMP we get here. Every freaking day.


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