Independence MO Graft & Corruption

 A little over a week ago, I mailed letters to three Independence, Missouri entities: The City Council, the Mayor's Office, and the Independence Police Department. In those letters, I outlined the continuing issues over the last several years with the arrogant, inconsiderate, and outright obnoxious individual that lives 3 houses to the east of me (I've described the problem in earlier blog posts). I also asked each of these offices "What am I supposed to do?" regarding this constant ILLEGAL noise pollution problem.

I provided my address, email, and phone number with these letters. As of today, I have received no responses at all.

And do you know what the saddest part of all this is? This is exactly what I expected

In doing a little bit of poking around, I've discovered that - like about 99.9999% of Government entities of any size - they are far too busy lining their own pockets, and those of their favorite butt-kissing buddies. Check out the links below. Quite enlightening.

Having even the FBI looking into your affairs? Way to go, Independence. No wonder you don't have the time to listen to a citizen's concerns, or enforce your own city codes.

Should we actually be successful in finding another place to live, it's a pretty good bet that we will NOT consider Independence. 

I hope there's  a community out there somewhere that actually cares about its citizens. I'm not holding my breath though..


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