Almost, Almost Done....

 Jeeze.... When we first talked about re-tiling the kitchen, I remember saying something stupid... Like: "This will be a quick weekend job!"


Shows how much I know...

This whole project has been one of those things where you have to stop and deal with some fiddly little problem every freaking step of the way... I ran into so many little goofy things - nail heads sticking out of the previous cabinet install, power sockets not securely fastened, and with no protective covers, junction boxes in the same condition, old tiles fastened to the floor with staples, etc, etc, etc.

When we first looked at this place 18 years ago, our realtor mentioned that the lady who lived here previously had her minister come in and do some renovations. From what I've seen while doing work on the bathroom and kitchen, I suggest he stick to spreading the word of God, and leaving the renovations to the experts.

I mean, I'm no Bob Vila by any stretch of the imagination, but still....


We moved the stove out today, and I got started with the tiling on the floor in the stove area. Here, I've started laying the new tiles. The black thing on the floor is the 220V outlet for the stove / oven.

On the wall was this lovely wiring junction box installation - with no protective cover. Nice.

I used some spackling paste to fill in the holes in the drywall. It goes on this lovely shade of pink, but dries to a clean white. I've put a protective cover on the junction box, and am getting ready to install some trim. The trim is simple quarter-round from Lowes that I've stained a darker tone.

And here's the stove back in place with the trim installed. 

All that remains is some trim on the south and west sides, a bit of work on the HVAC vent, and a threshold from the dining room entrance and this job will be (finally) done! Then it's on to the next project - which will likely be the back patio / storage area.

I'm leaving the rest of the interior projects for fall / winter when it's nasty outside. I want to get the exterior stuff done before winter.

And here, I thought retirement was gonna be relaxing... Silly me!


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