No Words Needed

 ...But I'm gonna add a few, anyway.

Undoubtedly the present Palpatine wannabe is going to scratch, scrape, claw, whine, and come up with whatever nonsensical load of BS he can pull out of his ass to get things HIS way despite the decision of the democratic process he SAYS he holds so dear. As one of the Republican Mayors (I think it was Philly?) said, "He needs to put on his 'big boy' pants..."

Clearly it's time to end the chaos, the rage, the hatred, and heal the wounds of this great nation. The past 4 years have not made America "Great Again," they have made America the laughing stock of the world. It's time for that to change.

Historically, it's rather rare for an incumbent President to be voted out after only one 4-year term. But these are unusual times, to say the least. And Mr. Trump has been an "unusual" occupant of that office - to put it very mildly. So sorry, Donald... You don't get to make history by being the first "Emperor Of America."

At any rate, it's time for us to put the chaos of the past 4 years into the history books (or databases), and unite. We have a common enemy; an enemy that has taken well over 200,000 American lives. If it had been a rogue nation that attacked us and killed that many Americans, we would have instantly forgotten the whole 'Republican or Democrat' scene, and reduced that country to a smouldering pile of ashes.

We can't kill COVID with a MOAB, or a nuclear missile. What we CAN do is use our massive strength in science and medical advancement to stop this curse from taking any more lives. Things will never be what they once were, even after we eradicate COVID. But with it gone, we can open up our economy again, put people back to work, and at least make things a whole lot better than they are now. We can actually be "Great Again."

Stay safe, wear those masks, and stay strong. God Bless America!


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