Saturday, 11-28-2020

 Just a quick update tonight...

I have a TON of things going on! I'm working on some ideas I got from my bud Jay over at WPGuru for expanding my TNA universe. With some of his suggestions and some of the ideas I've had, I think it's going to be a ton of creative fun, and might possibly result in a larger audience (and hopefully support). It's going to be a long-term project, so I'll have plenty to keep me from going stark-raving mad being clammed up in the house all winter with this $^%&^$ COVID mess.

I was hoping to get DAZ reinstalled today, but as usual I got sidetracked with a bunch of other stuff. Then it took me almost 2 hours on DAZ's site to locate the DIM (DAZ Install Manager). I know they have a new "Content Manager," but I've not heard good things about it. And right now, I just need things to WORK. I know how to use DIM, so I'm rolling with it. Anyway, the DAZ install will be a Sunday project! Hopefully by the time Jay's live-stream starts I can announce I'm back in business with DAZ.

I also hope to start messing with a few other bits of fun - such as Blender, and Unreal. Without my head imploding... LOL

I'm kinda digging the new Blog layout. The intro picture will change fairly often to help keep it fresh.

That's it for now. Almost time for a bedtime movie on the laptop...


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