Star Wars!

Just got back from seeing "Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker" with my bud Andy. We saw it at the B&B Theater in Liberty. The theater is amazing - the screen was 4 stories high and 7 stories wide.. I mean it was HUGE! The seats were all leather power recliners and so comfortable! My only real complaint was the 45 or so minutes of ads - several repeated a couple times - before we even got to the trailers for upcoming movies. (New Wonder Woman and Bond flicks coming!)

Once we finally got to Star Wars.....





I know there are folks out there that would disagree with me, but in my humble opinion, out of all nine movies (and I loved them all, even the ones with Jar-jar), this is the best one yet! It is one hell of a ride! No spoilers, though.. I'll definitely be getting the DVD/Blue-ray when it comes out, but you HAVE to see it on the big screen first. You have to... The bigger, the better. Even with 45 minutes of commercials first..

May The Force Be With You. Always.


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