Welcome, 2020!

Well, here we are starting a brand new year. And it's starting off in grand style... Woke up with a throbbing toothache - always something. I'll be calling a dentist tomorrow to see when I can get in. I found a dentist I used to see years ago - truly a painless dentist - and it looks like he's moved to a new office. I took a couple Advil, and that seems to be helping.

As usual at midnight it sounded like a small war outside. Now, I don't really mind the fireworks (that start at 11:30 PM and continue until 01:30 AM). What I DO mind are the brainless idiots that have tanked up on beer for the last 4 or 5 hours, then step out the door at midnight and cut loose with their AR-15s or whatever military-grade assault firearms they happen to have handy. Really?? GROW A FREAKING BRAIN YOU MORONS!! I hope they have enough sense to point the damn thing down, but I doubt it. Slackjawed idiots.

Anyway, I do hope the rest of you have a great year!


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