Back Soon...

 I know I've not posted a new blog for a while - hope to have one up maybe over the weekend. This will be short and sweet. Or just short, anyway..

I've just been in kind of a blah, depressed mood lately. We keep having to pour money into this damned house that neither of us want to stay in for the rest of our lives. Yes, with all the improvements it should help when we go to sell. Of course the junkyard next door is not going to help. I'll post a photo or two in my next post. 

Then it's not enough that we've been held hostage for the last 2 and a half years with this damned COVID crap, now we have to wonder if we're about to see WW 3 start with asswipe Putin's need to show the world how badass he thinks he is. He must have a really teeny pecker... And don't get me started on Trump.

Anyway, I'll try and post something a little more positive over the weekend.




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