Hello, And Happy 2023! New Blog!


Hello to anyone who actually stops by this Blog. Happy 2023 to you all!

I’m going to be more active here, with some of the stuff I’m doing, things I’m working on, artwork, photos, and other BTS stuff.

And for my first entry of 2023….. It’s time to rattle some cages over at GoDaddy. I’m posting a letter I just emailed – and will be sending via Postal as well – to the CEO of GoDaddy. I know, I know…. Emailing a CEO…. Good luck… We shall see.

Anyway, a bit of background (most is covered in the message I sent), back in September of ’22 GD decided it needed to change the whole email setup on their end to Microsoft Office 365. It went from a rock-solid, reliable system to a piece of technological poop.

My email seemed to be OK, but Jo’s hasn’t worked since. I have fought it for days on end, and haven’t made a millimeter of progress.

GoDaddy’s so-called “support” system is….. well, I have no polite words for it – as you shall see in the following images..

Basically, I’m going to post everything that happens with this, and I’m going to direct as many people here as possible. I want the entire Internet to see how well GoDaddy handles this – or not.

So here we go…. You can click the images to enlarge them.


I will continue to update this blog as things progress. Or if they don't progress....

01-11-23 No response to email yet. Sent this via USPS on 01-10-23. I'll wait another day or so, then email it again. I will continue to email it twice a week until I get a response.

I will also begin my search for a new domain registrar / hosting service. GoDaddy sucks.



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