As if I don’t already have enough crap to deal with, I discovered yet another #$%^%$# leak / wet spot in this accursed basement. Apparently, this is from the washing machine draining. I’ve had to build this Micky-Mouse drainage “help” system to keep the washer drainage from overwhelming the piping below the floor in the basement.

When I had AB May out in 2019 to replace the sewer line in the back yard ($10,801.00), they ran a camera down the drain and found the under-floor pipe had a clog / crack in it. As shown below, that would have added another $2,220.00 to the tab. I declined that part, hoping we’d be out of here by now. My bad.


So it looks like I’m going to have to wind up getting it done anyway. Sigh…

What have I done to piss off the universe? What?

More Leaks

Not terrible, but annoying anyway.

In front of and slightly inside the closet.

Anyway, the leak isn’t a major one, it just seems to seep between the tiles. But Jeeze, I’ve had enough! I hope we can get out of this freaking money-pit by next spring.


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