Update: 05-13-23


OK… I’ll get this out of the way first..

Things here the last few days have been one, massive, farked up mess! Although I see no physical evidence, I am convinced that that Murphy guy is living in my basement. Either that or the universe, or whatever else is out there that Webb hasn’t taken photos of yet, is really pissed at me for something.

The last few days have been a hellacious episode of frustration and stress with what will very soon be my EX website hosting, email hosting, and domain registrar, GoDaddy.

I’ve had problems with Jo’s email for a while – since GD decided to change their email system to that (CENSORED) MS365 system. It pretty much DEMANDS that you use MS Outlook as your email application. We both absolutely HATE Outlook!! It’s such a PITA to do anything with! She gets this message every time she tries to log in:

And now, I’m getting it as well.

We have been using Mozilla Thunderbird for years, and never had a problem – until GD decided to fark everything up. They must be getting some extra brownie points from Microsoft or something. One thing they will very soon NOT be getting… My business.

Their “Tech Support” is completely beyond useless. First, you have to spend 20 – 30 minutes screwing around with their pathetic chat/phone robot that asks the same questions over and over, offers to “run a few tests” for you – and of course ALWAYS comes back with a message that “everything looks good – please check your settings.”

It takes an Act of Congress to finally get connected with a living, breathing human entity. And when you do get connected, it’s always some guy in India (despite the fact I’m paying for all this nonsense in AMERICAN dollars to an AMERICAN company), and you must constantly repeat what the problem is, what your settings are, let’s try this, let’s try that, ad Infinium, ad nauseum.  

Yesterday, I spent a good two hours on their “chat” (calling on the phone is equally useless and frustrating) and got absolutely NOTHING accomplished other than making me so mad that my last words were something along the lines of “F---- IT! I’ve had enough! You have just lost a long-time customer!!

Not that anyone at GoDaddy seems to give a 💩.

Anyway… I did manage to get our emails somewhat working via webmail in my browser(s), so we can at least get and respond to your messages now.

I have been in contact with a couple prospective hosting / domain companies. I’m going to be purchasing a package from NameCheap that will be more than enough for my website, and they will supposedly migrate my site for me. I will also migrate my email to them, and my domain (rodslair.com) as well.

This could take a little while, so my presence may be quite spotty for a few days.

Always something… Someday, I’m going to wake up, and not have 300 things to deal with. I won’t know how to act….

We did have a really happy and fun event today.. Our Great-Niece, Molly's Graduation party was today! It was great to see everyone, and especially Molly! She's such a delightful young lady! Here's a shot of her and Jo:

 That's it for now. Again, I'm hoping to be able to update more often - once we (hopefully) get to a point where I'm not managing 37 things at the same time.

Have a good one, everyone!



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