Update, Febuary 2, 2023

 February 2, 2023


Well, after 3 emails, and 2 postal letters (one was returned with “insufficient address”), I finally got a call from a support tech at GoDaddy – and he was even an American!

He told me that Thunderbird is probably not the best choice for an email client (of course) as it has not been updated for some time. It seems like it’s not very high on Mozilla’s priority list lately.

He did say he was going to help me out with getting it set up properly on Jo’s laptop so she could use her email again. And he did.

We spent a good couple hours on the phone testing this, troubleshooting that, changing this setting, deleting that setting, and so on. He had me jumping through so many hoops, there’s no way in hell I could remember it all. I guess I should have fired up OBS and recorded it.

Anyway, long story short(er), It worked!

For about a week. 😫😖

Now, it’s back to the same errors and non-connecting as before. Gaaahhhh!

This weekend, I’m going to see if I can get Outlook set up on her laptop, and see if THAT works. It’s part of the Microsoft 365 package that GoDaddy includes with their new email package. So, it better.

In other news….

I’m still planning on migrating my domain, website and email to another provider. I’m looking at NameCheap right now. A friend of mine uses it and she says it’s really good with customer support. She left GoDaddy several years ago and hasn’t regretted it at all.

I’m also looking into getting a new(er) cellphone. Here’s my current phone:

Yeah, I know… 🙄

Anyway, I’ve got an appointment set up with a rep over at the Xfinity (Comcast) store next Thursday, so we’ll see what happens. Xfinity is supposed to be cheaper than T-Mobile, or so their ads say.

If I do go with a mobile plan, we will be disconnecting the landline, and saving that fee to pay for the mobile. The landline is through Xfinity as well, so maybe I can swindle a bit of a discount! 😉

I doubt I’ll be able to keep the same number as the landline, but we’ll see. If not, I’ll send it to all of you that have my present number. In a way, I’m hoping I get a new number… Every freaking spammer in this galaxy, and at least 5 others has this number.

We’re also looking into one of the ‘retirement communities’ in the metro area. We’d kind of like to move to the Kansas side – Johnson County area, but we’ll see. It depends on the rental prices. None of them are cheap, but you don’t have to pay utilities, either. Those are all paid. And, you don’t have to mow lawns, pick up other peoples’ trash, repair windows, or fix plumbing.

I am also going to be looking at a new layout for this blog. I've had this particular layout / theme for years. I think it's time for something a little lighter, and more professional looking. Stay tuned.

That’s about it for now…

Now I need to get the TNA story rolling again!







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