Roofing Day!

 Well, the roofing crew is here working, so it's not the quietest of Fridays. But it seems to be going fairly quickly.

My old roof is now filling their trailer / dumpster. Naturally, there wound up being some extra expenses. They discovered some wood sheathing that had some rot when they removed the 2 layers of old shingles. I'm not really surprised. And it was "only" a bit over 200 bucks for 4 sheets of plywood and the labor.

Anyway, I'll be glad when all this is done. Hopefully we can relax a bit over the weekend - it's been a pretty stressful week.

4:45 PM

ALL DONE! They finished up around 4:00PM. Talked with the Foreman a bit. He recommended covering the vents on the sides of the house so the roof venting would work more efficiently. The intake vents are visible as the slightly raised areas near the front of the roof, and the out-flow vents are at the apex of the roof.

Actually, I wouldn't mind taking out those old side vents completely. I've had incidents where the damn raccoons have literally bent the louvers on them and gotten into the attic.

Anyway, this is one big (and expensive) job out of the way. I need to replace (or get rid of) that little decorative 'window' near the apex on the left. Then gutters. Then scraping. Then painting. Gah....

Rod out for now...


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