Update, 06-12-2020

I contacted the Astronomical Society of Kansas City about a week ago regarding the telescope I mentioned in my last blog. I got a response that they had already had a number of donations recently, but he’d check with someone to see if they had room for another. I didn’t hear anything until today. Apparently they’ve had several of this model donated, and don’t have room for another.

Seems I can’t even GIVE stuff away… 😆

It’s really too nice a piece of equipment to just trash. I’ve taken the tripod section apart and boxed it up for now. I’ve moved the scope and tripod legs to a different closet for now, where it’s out of the way.
Perhaps when (NOT ‘if’) we find another place to live, I’ll have a place to set it up and do some stargazing. I can remember seeing the rings of Saturn the first time with this scope.

In other news, we’ve been busy going through tons of stuff we’ve accumulated over the 18 years we’ve been here. Lot’s of stuff is going away – either given to charities, or the recycling center. Of course the stuff that’s unusable goes into the trash, but we’re really keeping that to an absolute minimum.

My old turntable finally gave up the ghost today as I was trying to digitize a bunch of old (and I do mean old) 45 rpm singles. Actually, the turntable itself is OK, but the cartridge with the needle is shot. And I’m not going to go out and pay $100.00+ for a new one. Jo has a stereo system with a turntable, and we’ll just use that.

I do need to take a couple days off this weekend, and just do some relaxing, creative stuff – like work on my TNA story.

That's it for today....


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