Nice Day For a Walk..

Today was a gorgeous day - at least it was earlier.. Around 70, a nice breeze, beautiful sky with wonderful, photogenic clouds.

I grabbed the camera, and took a nice hike along one of the Blue River Trace Trails a few miles away. It felt like Heaven. What a relief just to get out and away from things for a while.

There were a number of other folks out enjoying the day, hiking and riding their bikes. I only saw a couple folks wearing masks - they're really not needed in this situation, I think. Everyone was friendly, nodding, smiling, saying hello - and all from the proper 6 feet or so.

It was just so refreshing. I ended up shooting 120 photos - many of them will end up as backgrounds in my artwork and the T.N.A. story. Here are a few:

 Even a weed can be beautiful!

 Honeysuckle in bloom..

 Along the Trail

 Such a gorgeous sky!

 A little father up the trail

 I couldn't pass up this old dead tree. 

 Headed back!

I felt sooooo refreshed after this walk. Of course, after getting home, and stepping out to the backyard (which needs mowed), I'm nearly bowled over by yet another brainless moron blasting their boom-boom-booming idiot noise loud enough to wake the dead - 3 states away. And this was not the usual source.. Seems we have a new jackass somewhere on 39th Street to the north of us. Great.

Just another reason (one of the biggest reasons, actually) we want to find someplace else to live. I know that S##T gets blasted everywhere (some idiot pulled up next to me at a stoplight on the way home with that obnoxious garbage blasting), but I'm hoping we can find somewhere we don't have to listen to it 24 / 7 like here.

Well, anyway, that was today's excursion. Now, I need to get back to work on a ton of other stuff including the T.N.A. story.

One question.... Does anyone actually read this? If not, I'm going to stop wasting my time. Comments can be added below. Thanks!

BTW, Spam comments with links will be deleted immediately.


  1. Hi Rod. Wesley (Desgar) from Renderosity. Glad you could get outside Sunday. Love your pics. Wish the sun visited Chicago today. Really gloomy here. Will visit your blog as long as you have it up. Take care, stay safe, and hope your tone deaf neighbor gets a visit by the police soon.


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