Just a Short Rant...

For the most part, I am doing my best to keep things fun, interesting, and light-hearted on this blog (for the 2 or 3 people that actually read this thing..) and avoid political commentary like the plague, but there's something I've got to get off my chest (or keyboard)....

In the last couple of days, I have 'un-followed' George Takei on both Facebook and Twitter. Why? Although I loved him as Sulu in Star Trek, all he posts now is unending political bulls##t. Every day. Several times a day. And I am sick to death of it. You can't turn on the TV without hearing about Trump's latest asinine tweet, the latest congressional pissing match, or the newest overpaid, and overfed politician caught with his pecker in someone else's pants.

Anyone with more than 2 brain cells has figured out by now that DT is completely unsuited for the position of the most powerful human on the planet. How the hell he got elected is beyond me... Oh, I forget..... The Russians did it.....

Quite frankly, it still amazes me that out of over 300 million souls inhabiting this country we narrowed it down to Hillary and Trump in the last election. Seriously, people....WTF??

At any rate, personally, I know our current 'leadership' is pathetic. I don't need or wish to be reminded of it 300 times a day. If that's all you can post on FB or Twitter, you're gone. Period.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming....


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